Sexy Pace and Running, what’s it all about?

What is Sexy Pace Running?

Have you ever heard of Sexy Pace running? Well, it’s time to get informed.

Sexy pace running is a type of run that will help you build strength and cardio fitness over longer distances. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, this type of running can benefit everyone. Let’s take a closer look at what it is and how it can benefit you.

Sexy Pace Running - WHAAAAT?

Sexy pace running means to be running at a slower pace or “sexy pace”.

This type of pacing helps to stop your body from becoming exhausted by the run, allowing you to go further than usual. It can also help strengthen your muscles and improve your overall cardiovascular health.

Not only that, but slowing down your run may actually help you become faster in the long term as your body gains the necessary strength to maintain faster paces for longer distances.

Benefits of Sexy Pace Running

There are many benefits associated with sexy pace running, such as improved endurance and cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength, improved form and technique, and enhanced recovery time between runs. With all these benefits in mind, there’s no reason not to give sexy pace running a try!

How To Start Sexy Pace Running

If you want to get started with sexy pace running, there are some steps you should take first.

Firstly, make sure that you have good form while running – this will ensure that your muscles aren’t being overworked or strained while on the move.

Second, pay attention to your breathing – aim for deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth with every step taken (this will help prevent exhaustion).

Third, focus on gradually slowing down until you reach a comfortable speed – you should be able to talk comfortably with your RunPal next to you at sexy pace running speed.

Chatty Pace Running

You should be able to chat more easily when running at sexy pace and not be so out of breath, being able to enjoy your environment more than when you’re huffing and puffing and cussing and blinding.

Today, I ran at sexy pace. I ran on the South Downs Trails that is our backyard. I ran past horses, around cows, and through some sheep (sh*t). I watched the sunshine glistening on the delightful looking sea in the distance.

I could smell the cow patty that I just firmly planted my foot within.

If you run to quickly, you may miss the magic that is all round us.

Use good running form

We mention it in the top tips above, but it's really important to maintain good posture and alignment throughout your run. It will help you stay sexy and comfortable when out on your next run.

Add Speedwork into your run

Incorporating short bursts of speed and power into your run can add excitement and intensity to your sexy pace running. This can help you build strength and stamina, and keep you motivated to stick with your running routine.

What's the point in sexy pace running?

If done correctly, sexy pace running can do wonders for both experienced runners and those just starting out alike.

Not only does it strengthen muscles and improve cardiovascular health but it also helps with recovery time after each run and encourages good form when running which will result in better performance overall. So why not give it a go today? You never know how far this type of run could take you!

Get out there this week pals. Find your sexy pace. Tell us what you discover.

Head over to our Facebook Group to share your sexy pace running tips with RunPals.


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